W. A. Truelove & Son Ltd are experienced in the complex field of repatriation funeral services. We take care of all repatriation documentation, collection, delivery and all other details, to help ease the burden when faced with repatriating a loved one home. Our aim is to arrange repatriations as rapidly, efficiently and sympathetically as possible.
If you require an estimate, please do not hesitate to contact us on +(44) 020 8642 8211 or info@watltd.co.uk
Our Repatriation Service charge includes:
- Attendance by an experienced Funeral Director to take instructions and make all necessary arrangements
- Removal by our ambulance from any local hospital
- Certified embalming
- Liaison with H. M. Coroner and relevant Consulates when required
- Collection of all relevant documentation
- Issuing official Funeral Directors declaration of contents
- Preparation of coffin for transportation purposes
- Liaison with Funeral Director in the Country of destination
- Delivery to London Gatwick or London Heathrow airport, (any other airport, price on application)
Our charges do NOT include:
- Legalisation of Death Certificate when required
- Any additional documentation where a fee is applicable
(i.e. Free From Infection Certificate, Consular Fees, Official Translation etc.)